By Dr Gautam Sen
THE collapse of a country often occurs suddenly though warning signs will be visible to careful observers. Almost no one expected the mighty USSR to implode in 1989 and become marginalised rapidly, virtually overnight. The banal psychology of the instigator of the chain of events, President Mikhail Gorbachev, was poignantly underlined when he triumphantly named an utter nonentity, the former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, as the leader he admired most. More recently, European leaders were bowing and scraping before an idiot ruler one day, but within weeks he was fighting for his survival and Libya for its sovereign future. Many other countries have been similarly suborned and divided by the intervention foreign interests, taking advantage of local difficulties, including Yugoslavia, the Sudan and Indonesia, to name only a few. The fate of India within the compass of its current borders is not inviolably guaranteed either, a harsh truth its conceited and incompetent rulers might have understood after Partition itself, the loss of territories to China and truncated sovereignty in J&K and the North-east. Instead, quite staggeringly, Sonia Gandhi and her retainers are engaged in a virtual campaign to eject Gujarat from the Indian Union by relentless hostility toward its elected representatives.
Intervention to take advantage in a country that appears ready to fall apart is opportunistic. The moment such an opportunity arises all bets are off, earlier sentiments irrelevant and historic friendships immediately erased. The motive for such foreign intervention is to prevent other third parties emerging stronger through their own involvement and of course neighbours feel compelled to enter the fray to settle outstanding territorial claims. The collapse of the USSR, over which the remarkably incompetent Gorbachev presided, led to a NATO-sponsored attempt to consolidate its Cold War victory by seizing control over a Russia reeling in chaos. Western international economic agencies and academics from American and European universities were also active trying to wreck the Russian economy. These diabolical designs were accompanied by the implantation of their preferred candidate, the drunken, buffoon, Boris Yeltsin, as Russian President. It failed in the end because Russia is a formidable foe. The on-going attempt to divide Libya to corner its oil producing regions remains an on-going reminder of imperials instincts, evidenced earlier by the conquest of Iraq by Anglo-American imperialists.
India has always been on their radar too since Britain’s expulsion from it in 1947. Britain had hoped to leave behind a broken backed India of warring regions and princely states beholden to the wishes of London. Eventually, Pakistan and the dispute over Kashmir were to become the long-term vehicle to keep India on the run and permanently off balance. In addition, their local protégés within India were mobilised to harass the nascent Indian State to prevent its consolidation as a viable and self-sufficient entity. The most lethal fifth column turned out to be Indian communists, simultaneously serving both Anglo-American and Chinese imperialism, which had become an ally of the latter against the Soviet Union by the 1960s. Indian communists sided with China in 1962 and Pakistan, the US and China when India sought to end genocide in East Pakistan, revealing a level of venality and treasonous conduct that should have prompted the execution of its entire national leadership. Their treasonous machinations to challenge the Indian Union in assaults coordinated with Islamic Jihadis, without commensurate response from the Indian State, is a spectacle to behold. As one senior Indian intelligence officer has recently observed, these anti-national forces have infiltrated every institution of State and civil society and enjoy the empathetic ear of India’s dominant political leader.
In the decades after Indian Independence, foreign interests, particularly the Anglo-Americans, inserted themselves into every social, economic and regional fissure in India and deployed them against it. Spurious divisions and human rights abuses are the excuse to pillory India and weaken its national resolve. Evangelists, the original sponsors of the Dravidian movement and its leaders, all known British agents, just like the communist leadership after 1941, are being used to demoralise India and divide its voters along numerous axes. Today, the monstrously distorted politics of alleged or real caste divisions have become deeply embedded in every facet of Indian life. Apparently, legislative measures are planned in some countries abroad and by the UN to denounce Hinduism as synonymous with demoniac caste oppression and fascism, apparently, a final push, to break India. The Indian Congress, India’s first family and the anointed crown prince are vocally supporting this conspiracy by, helpfully, fabricating cases against Hindus for terrorism. Unfortunately, the grave wounding of India, particularly on the issue of caste, is being aided by Hindu organisations in the US and the UK and some activists of India’s own Hindu organisations. They have shockingly succumbed to bribery and a disgraceful desire for crumbs from the tables of White Christians, hell-bent on India’s destruction.
The Indian State apparatus is the most vitally unavoidable structure for the welfare and long-term survival of the nation. Once its ability to act is compromised many dire evils are liable to overtake it. The ability to engage decisively with events, issue commands that are respected and obeyed are of paramount importance because without it other governance structures are in danger of collapsing in the face of threat and assault. Even a cursory reading of history immediately highlights the terrifying consequences of paralysis at the heart of decision-making and serial errors of judgement. I choose random the failure of ancient Carthage’s political elites to act decisively in the face of Roman invasion, which then resulted in the permanent erasure of Carthage from history, i.e. its extinction. A similar phenomenon occurred when Nadir Shah invaded India and left behind in his wake utter devastation because the Mughal imperial family and its generals were at odds with each other and decision-making paralysed. Ever since Indian independence the Anglo-Americans have waged relentless war against the Indian State and its political leaders, by sponsoring subversion from within and using Pakistan. They were soon joined by China and it is no surprise that these four countries remain firm allies as far as antagonism to India is concerned.
The destruction of a State occurs because of internal collapse and external aggression. The current situation in India combines features of both. India has been a divided country historically except when held together by overwhelming force under some Mughal rulers and superior political cunning, of the kind especially deployed by the British for several generations. The great present danger for India is the rise of regional political forces that do not possess any national vision. They are self-righteously parochial, inward-looking and interested almost exclusively in personal power and wealth. When they espouse an ideological perspective it derives from pure opportunism. Their banal ideological strains are ready for misuse by the enemies of India, keenly alert to any opportunity for causing mischief and, ultimately, the demise of the Indian Union. Regional political forces are highly likely to do a deal with such enemies of India in a moment of grave national crisis at the expense of the integrity of the nation, a reality numerous separatist movements across the country already highlight. Maoists and Islamic Jihadis are working together assiduously on behalf of Anglo-American and Chinese imperialism to destroy India. They are ably assisted by a swathe of India’s liberal intelligentsia, many recently discovered to be on the pay of foreign intelligence agencies waging war against India and killing its citizens. This fifth column also enjoys the personal patronage of India’s supreme leader as members of India’s real decision-making organs, by-passing the Union Cabinet. The latter and its occupants are shameless ciphers.
The only real problem for India’s external enemies and their internal allies is the existence of its formidable armed forces. Observers of the treatment of India should note with alarm that these are being systematically undermined even as vast sums are spent on the import of an array of weapons from abroad. The patriotic sensibilities of young officers and fighting men and women are being systematically corroded and the most senior officers increasingly selected for their political loyalty to India’s first family rather than professional merit. The banning of rakhi within the armed forces, which passed without vigorous protest from India’s seasonal nationalists, is an illustration of the vicious warfare being waged against India’s warriors. India’s first two Param Vir Chakra awardees, Majors, Somnath Sharma and Piru Singh, made the supreme sacrifice with the teachings of the Gita in their hearts and Sri Ram on their lips. In addition, the misuse of human rights ruses, sponsored by foreign intelligence services, to harass the armed forces, also promoted with alacrity by India’s English media, is merely a vehicle to reduce effectiveness in situations of armed combat in which civilian casualties are unavoidable. The spectacle of rampant corruption at the highest levels of Indian society, shielded by the Indian Prime Minister himself, constitutes a further grievous danger since it must inevitably affect their commitment to fight and die for their country. In the end, the integrity of India’s armed forces depends on the survival of legitimate political authority within the country, without which it cannot engage in integrated combat and will be left rudderless.
Ordinary Indians may somehow imagine their country is immune to the dangers of a new partition or the loss of national sovereignty, but the signs of peril are flashing bright. The contemporary attempt to perpetuate the Nehru dynasty, turning the Indian Republic into a quasi-monarchy, has prompted a non-holds barred contest that is reducing the most critical political and administrative structures of the Indian polity to a hollow shell. The vital decision-making apparatus of government, the Indian Union Cabinet and the office of the Prime Minister have virtually ceased to exist. In its place, retainers of the first family and any section of society that might be organised to support it are running amok. Along with the purchased mainstream media, opportunistic professionals (e.g. academics from US universities advising Rahul Gandhi) and political entrepreneurs are straining to influence events in favour of the crown prince and his family. So absurd is the situation that his semi-literate, octogenarian Italian grandmother can determine matters of state alongside cynical political retainers of the likes of Manish Tiwari and Ahmed Patel. Their interest in the welfare of the Indian State and society is deeply suspect and their capacity for subversion enormous. Any self-respecting country would have immediately sanctioned their judicial incarceration and worse.
The priority accorded by the Indian political elite to the fortunes of the Nehru dynasty progressively unloosened the fragile socio-political ties that bound India after Independence. Securing Indira Gandhi’s personal rule was achieved by curtailing meaningful expressions of democracy in the Congress party, which her father had managed by force of personality as a prominent leader of Indian Independence. Indira Gandhi placed family retainers in positions of power and the Congress party lost touch with its far flung support base in the country. It increasingly became opportunistically beholden to narrow political constituencies whose sectarian interests and identities were cultivated and accentuated to ensure divisive political loyalties. The final act of this sombre drama is now being played out. The narrow political appeal of the Congress party is precariously perched in the hands of a truculent Islamic Ummah and a rural-urban lumpen proletariat, wantonly enticed through bribery. This alliance is haunted by failure because a divided India is readying to descend into political chaos. A resulting shrill cry of desperation is emanating from India’s first family, appealing to the basest instincts and most extreme demands of constituents. The extraordinary attempt to identify Hindus as the chief perpetrators of terrorism in India, almost exclusively the responsibility of Islam, is but one sign of this despair.
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